
Saturday, December 7, 2013

New Zealand

We have plenty of things to be proud of in New Zealand, Like for example the Lord of Rings were filmed here in Aotearoa. The biggest sport in New Zealand is Rugby, It is so big that the Rugby World Cup was held in New Zealand and we won the Cup.

Letter to Family

Dear Family in Samoa and Australia

I know that this letter might not reach out to you guys but I just want to say Merry Christmas. I hope you get this letter. What are you doing for Christmas. I can’t wait to visit you guys in Aussie,

I hope I’m still coming. It feels like a very long time since you have been gone. Family in Samoa, I remember when I came to Samoa for Christmas and always went to your house. For Christmas we had a BIG feast and afterwards we had Ice-cream.

I also remember when I was crying because I didn’t want to go back to New Zealand. Going to Samoa was such an Adventure I wish I could experience it one more time. I will pray for you guys everyday. I would love it if I could send lots of food and water and other supplies that you guys need for this summer. I know that in Samoa during summer its very hot.

All I’m trying to say to you guys in Samoa and Australia is Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.