I am a Year 8 student at St Pius X in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 7 and my teacher is Mrs Tui.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Holiday starting
Hi everyone I am going to write about what I am doing in the Holidays. Each day I am going talk about what I am doing during the holiday. I am also going to take pictures. I hope you enjoy.
Going to Samoa
Last year in December my family and I went to Samoa for a Family Reunion. We went to Samoa late at night and we came back to New Zealand early in the morning.
My Mum, Dad, Sister’s (Alecia, Angel, and Sana), My Grandma, My two cousins Veronica and Benjamin and I went on the trip to Samoa. “I don’t want to leave New Zealand” I said to all of my cousins, “I know Sonya but you have to go we will miss you all” they all said.
Before we went on the aeroplane and the journey began, we had Burger King with my family. “Sonya and Alecia, we have to go on the plane now” my Dad said. I was very sad to leave my family in New Zealand, but at least I got to greet my other Cousins in Samoa. “Bye Siniva take care of your Mum,
Bye Christian look after your Family especially your Mum, Bye Joseph take care of your mum and Jonah Ok, and Vera make sure you do well in your school, I will miss you all” I said as tears flowed down my eyes as I walk with my family to the Aeroplane. When we got into the Aeroplane we had to wait for our names to called onto the plane.
Later on when we were on the plane, I had to sit next to my sister Angel and my Mum. Alecia was sitting next to my Nana and my other sister Sana, and My dad was sitting by himself. “We have left off in 5 4 3 2 1” said the captain as we lifted off to Samoa,
I was so excited that I wanted to scream. It was also my first time going over seas. As we got closer and closer to getting to Samoa my dad said “Sonya look outside your window” . “WE ARE IN SAMOA!!!” I shouted as I stepped out of the plane. It was very very hot in Samoa,
it was so hot that was about to die. My uncle Pio picked us up from the airport. The airport was very different from New Zealand's , It look like the mall but with heaps of people in it. It was very dark I couldn’t see anything. When we got to our house there was dogs around the house.
Our house was green it was a two story house. We didn’t have the whole house to our selfs there were people on the bottom and we were on the top. There were only 2 bedrooms. Me, my Mum and my little sister Angel slept in one room and my dad and my other sister Alecia slept in the other room.
Unfortunately there was no space for my oldest sister Sana so she had to sleep in the sitting room. Everyday my uncle would pick us up from our house and we would go to his house. There was a garage at his house. Sometimes we would go to the Beach if we could and then we would get an Ice cream. My uncle had two Twins, their names are Leaniva and Leuaina. He only had a boy and his name is Moe.
The Twins were both named after my Twin Auntys. When it came to the very last day in Samoa we had to pack up. I felt very sad to leave samoa because I would miss the days when we use to go to my uncles house everyday and talk with my cousins. “Bye everybody” I was so sad that I cry the whole way to New Zealand.
When we got to New Zealand it was very cold than usually. I miss the hot weather in Samoa. We just arrived in New Zealand in the morning. In the airport we were waiting for my aunty to come and pick us up. “Hi Karissa” I said we finally got to go home. But first we had to go to my Nana’s house. First of all we had McDonald for breakfast.
When we got to my Nana’s house, I finally got to see my family again. It was very nice to meet my cousins again. After that I went to Christians house. The first person that I saw was my uncle Sepolaga. I feel asleep I didn’t get to have sleep on the aeroplane. “Sonya wake we have to go home now”, my Mum said as she shake me to wake up. “ OK Mum” I said and after that I went home feeling better from my sleep.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Kids for Kids Concert
On the 17th of September Room 3 went to the Kids for Kids concert in Manukau, Telstraclear stadium. There were 10 other schools around New Zealand that were going to attend the Kids for Kids concert with us.
“Good morning Miss G” I said to my teacher Miss G as I went into the hallway to hang up my bag. Before we could go to the concert we had to have a rehearsal with all the other schools to prepare for the big night. “I can’t wait” I said to my friend Rachel as we stepped into the bus. Unfortunately we had to wait for all the others that were late to come to school. It didn’t take that long until we went to the rehearsal.
When we got there everyone in the bus started to talk with excitement as we reached the parking area. Finally we were there, this was my first time going to a Kids for Kids concert so it was very, very exciting for me.
First of all when we went inside the stadium we had to sit on the seats from tallest to shortest. I was sitting next to Savelio and Justin. When all of the schools were seated on a seat, a girl named Dayna talked to us and told us what was going to happen on the night.
There was going to be heaps of exciting events that was going to occur on the night. School by School got called by Dayne and the schools went to sit on the stage seats. There were so many chairs I couldn’t count them all. When everyone had a seat to sit on the Rehearsal started.
Suzanne Prentice came to meet us. She sang some parts of the songs through the day. The very first song that we sang was The Muppet theme song. At half time we got to have our morning tea. But we had to put our rubbish back in our lunch boxes. Some schools even brought their school bags.
When the rehearsal was finished Dayna went through again what was going to be happening in the night.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Hope stories from the Bible 2
Genesis 13:14-17 - Abram moves to Hebron
The hope was that everyone would have land to live.
Exodus 16:4-5 -The manna and the quails
The hope was that God will never let the people go hungry.
Psalm 78:23-29 - God and the People
The hope is that God will not let his people go hungry
Daniel 6:1-26 - Daniel in the Pit of Lions
The hope is that God will forgive us.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Hope story's from the Bible.
Genesis 2-3 - The story of creation
The Hope was that God would create light.
Matthew 24:37-38 - No one knows the day and hour
The Hope was that it life would be the same if Noah went into the ark.
Exodus 9:13-14 - Disasters strike Egypt - Hail
The Hope was that the king would let the Israelites go.
Exodus 15:22-27- Bitter Water
The Hope was that Moses would get fresh water in time for the Israelites.
The Hope was that God would create light.
Matthew 24:37-38 - No one knows the day and hour
The Hope was that it life would be the same if Noah went into the ark.
Exodus 9:13-14 - Disasters strike Egypt - Hail
The Hope was that the king would let the Israelites go.
Exodus 15:22-27- Bitter Water
The Hope was that Moses would get fresh water in time for the Israelites.
Musical Evening
“From the top room 3” said Miss G, my class had to practice before the big night,The Musical Evening.
On Thursday 30th of August St Pius X School had their Musical Evening. At the musical evening there was a sausage sizzle for the Room 7’s camp in term 4. For the Musical Evening Room 3 were going to sing because we are going to the Kids for Kids show later in the term. We were going to sing ‘Puppet on the String’ and ‘Somewhere Out There’. Ana and Rachel had the soloist part for ‘Somewhere out there’.
“Welcome Welcome Welcome” said Lavinia. The Musical Evening finally began. “Miss G I am very, very nervous” I said, “Don’t worry Sonya, everything will go all right” whispered Miss G. The first act for the night was Room 2 and Mrs Koloti singing a prayer for the evening to start. It was so cool watching them. There was lots of different acts that were ready to be watched.
“Next up it is Room 3 singing two songs, Puppet on the string and Somewhere out there, give it up for room 3 everybody”. I was so nervous that I just wanted go home. We sang really well and everyone clapped heaps for us.
Finally we had finished our singing, from then onwards I felt very proud of myself because of what I had done was that I never gave up for my class even if I had to sing in front of heaps of people, I still did it.
On Thursday 30th of August St Pius X School had their Musical Evening. At the musical evening there was a sausage sizzle for the Room 7’s camp in term 4. For the Musical Evening Room 3 were going to sing because we are going to the Kids for Kids show later in the term. We were going to sing ‘Puppet on the String’ and ‘Somewhere Out There’. Ana and Rachel had the soloist part for ‘Somewhere out there’.
“Welcome Welcome Welcome” said Lavinia. The Musical Evening finally began. “Miss G I am very, very nervous” I said, “Don’t worry Sonya, everything will go all right” whispered Miss G. The first act for the night was Room 2 and Mrs Koloti singing a prayer for the evening to start. It was so cool watching them. There was lots of different acts that were ready to be watched.
“Next up it is Room 3 singing two songs, Puppet on the string and Somewhere out there, give it up for room 3 everybody”. I was so nervous that I just wanted go home. We sang really well and everyone clapped heaps for us.
Finally we had finished our singing, from then onwards I felt very proud of myself because of what I had done was that I never gave up for my class even if I had to sing in front of heaps of people, I still did it.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
2 Dimensional Triangles
What is the name of this shape?
Right Angle Triangle ✔
2. What is a Triangle that looks like an upside down icicle?
Isosceles Triangle ✔
3. What is a Triangle where all the sides are equal?
Equilateral Triangle ✔
What is this shape called? Ellipse ✔
What sort of Triangle is this? Scalene Triangle ✔
6. What are these types of shapes also called? 2 Dimensional ✔
7. Name 3 other 2 dimensional shapes? Circle, Square and Rectangle. ✔
8. ¼ of 32 =13 ✔ 4 x 13=32 1x13=13
9. ⅔ of 33 = 22 ✔ 3x11= 33 2x11x22
Right Angle Triangle ✔
2. What is a Triangle that looks like an upside down icicle?
Isosceles Triangle ✔
3. What is a Triangle where all the sides are equal?
Equilateral Triangle ✔
6. What are these types of shapes also called? 2 Dimensional ✔
7. Name 3 other 2 dimensional shapes? Circle, Square and Rectangle. ✔
8. ¼ of 32 =13 ✔ 4 x 13=32 1x13=13
9. ⅔ of 33 = 22 ✔ 3x11= 33 2x11x22
Friday, September 7, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Sacrament Summative Assessment
Draw on Tux Paint sketches of two different ways Jesus heals. Give each sketch a label.
Finish this sentence: Jesus continues to heal people today through us. ✔
Highlight what happens in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
clothing with a white garment reading the Word of God
the washing of feet anointing the forehead with oil baptising with water ✔ laying on of hands ✔
anointing the hands with oil ✔ the rosary
Name the 7 Sacraments:
Baptism ✔
Communion Confirmation
Penance ✔
Anointing of the sick ✔
Holy Orders ✔
Marriage ✔
Name two ways people can participate in the celebration of the Eucharist By being a alter boy or girl ✔
Finish this sentence: Jesus continues to heal people today through us. ✔
Highlight what happens in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
clothing with a white garment reading the Word of God
the washing of feet anointing the forehead with oil baptising with water ✔ laying on of hands ✔
anointing the hands with oil ✔ the rosary
Name the 7 Sacraments:
Baptism ✔
Communion Confirmation
Penance ✔
Anointing of the sick ✔
Holy Orders ✔
Marriage ✔
Name two ways people can participate in the celebration of the Eucharist By being a alter boy or girl ✔
X Country
Friday 24th August St Pius X Catholic School had their Cross Country.
There were Students who were ready to race, Teachers around the course
to help and parents cheering for their children.
First of all the Juniors ran first. They had to run around the school, around the church and then run into the courts and run around it. “GO ALECIA!!!” I shouted. Unfortunately Alecia my sister came 3rd in her race.
When the Juniors race was over it was time for the seniors to run their course. Their course was much more harder than the Juniors course. They had to run up to Castledine Cres and then they had to run down Apirana and into the school. “10 years old” Miss G said, “It is time for your race”. I was so excited that I just wanted to blow up. “Get ready, Set, GO”, off we went my heart was pounding.
I jogged as fast as I could, but after awhile I started to walk. When I got up to Apirana I started to jog for a bit because I knew that if I walked the whole way Mr Coakley, our Principal, would catch up to me. He was running with us too, he ran with us because he had a rope the people who are coming last had to grab onto the rope and keep up with him.
I was nearly at he finish, I could hear the people cheering for me especially my Dad and sister Alecia. “Come on Sonya you have to run around the courts and then you are done” said Mrs Hogans.
At the end of the day I felt very proud of myself because I had finish the Big race!!
First of all the Juniors ran first. They had to run around the school, around the church and then run into the courts and run around it. “GO ALECIA!!!” I shouted. Unfortunately Alecia my sister came 3rd in her race.
When the Juniors race was over it was time for the seniors to run their course. Their course was much more harder than the Juniors course. They had to run up to Castledine Cres and then they had to run down Apirana and into the school. “10 years old” Miss G said, “It is time for your race”. I was so excited that I just wanted to blow up. “Get ready, Set, GO”, off we went my heart was pounding.
I jogged as fast as I could, but after awhile I started to walk. When I got up to Apirana I started to jog for a bit because I knew that if I walked the whole way Mr Coakley, our Principal, would catch up to me. He was running with us too, he ran with us because he had a rope the people who are coming last had to grab onto the rope and keep up with him.
I was nearly at he finish, I could hear the people cheering for me especially my Dad and sister Alecia. “Come on Sonya you have to run around the courts and then you are done” said Mrs Hogans.
At the end of the day I felt very proud of myself because I had finish the Big race!!
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